Florida Gardenista

central Coastal Florida

Grow Your

Garden Knowledge


florida inspired garden blog

For the love of gardening.

Gardening in Florida can be an awesome yet challenging experience. This is why I’ve cultivated knowledge to share.  My blogs, photos and videos are created to help plant owners explore and grow. I’ve found that sharing my experiences (both good and bad) has been a great way to connect and empower our community. Happy gardening!  

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Start Cultivating

Define Your Garden Goals

Are you a garden or plant lover? Or even have a love hate relationship with gardening? You are in the right spot! Discover simple, easy to understand tips and video tutorials to help you navigate your Florida garden.

Pollinator Friends: European Honey Bee pollinating a sunflower at Sledd’s U-Pick farm in Mimms, Florida 📸: David Reid

Pollinator Friends: European Honey Bee pollinating a sunflower at Sledd’s U-Pick farm in Mimms, Florida 📸: David Reid

Coming Soon >> Plant florida-friendly & Florida Natives to attract pollinators

Bibb lettuce sprouts germinated for eleven days using household supplies and liquid seaweed.

Bibb lettuce sprouts germinated for eleven days using household supplies and liquid seaweed.

Monthly Florida Gardening Guide based on UF/IFAS 9b zoning

Monthly Florida Gardening Guide based on UF/IFAS 9b zoning

Chocolate mint; an herb from my garden

Chocolate mint; an herb from my garden

Succulent gardening: propagate, grow, and present your succulent garden.

Succulent gardening: propagate, grow, and present your succulent garden.

coming soon >> Succulent love

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Plant Problems Welcome

Florida Gardenista is here to share ideas and tips to create your ideal garden in Florida. Please do reach out with questions or plant problems!  This blog was created to benefit and grow the Florida gardening community.

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Coastal Central Florida

My garden is located on the coast of Central Florida, in hardiness zone 9b. Most of my garden tips and advice is influenced and based on my area but I do my very best to include ideas relevant to those who live in the South or love gardening.

The love of gardening is a seed
once sown that never dies.
— Gertrude Jekyll